
Chapter 1
Part 3 of 3

If you are reading part 3 then I think you have read part 1 & 2, which I think is positive response for my blog and for this I’m very thankful to you… 

(Let me clear one thing, in the whole blog I’m not going to say about the version of python like 2.X or 3.X, this concept is the little bit confusing and this blog can be a Not-So-Easy-Blog)

How to introduce python?
-         Python is general-purpose language that is often applied in scripting roles.
    Better one, Python is known as a general-purpose programming language that blends procedural, functional and object-oriented concepts.

After reading the first statement, 
what do you mean by a script?
                  According to Google, programs written for a special run-time environment that automate the execution of tasks that could alternatively be executed one-by-one by a human operator.

We can compare this operation with washing machine, 
after pressing first button we can set water level, 
by pressing second button we can set program for wash (gentle wash or woolen cloth or silk wash), similarly, we can run some parts from our program or let's call this program a Source Code. These small parts from our source code are known as scripts. For our washing machine example, from the process of turning it ON to OFF, can be considered as Source Code and the step where washing machine is doing small task like Rinse or Spin can be called as Scripts.

Let us assume that you know the meaning of procedural, functional and object-oriented, if not, please mention it in the comments so we can discuss it in next part. (Question to check whether you are serious reader or not. P.S:Ninja Technique)

Who uses python today?
     -   Google makes extensive use in search engine systems
     -   YouTube video sharing system
     -  Dropbox storage service codes for both client as well as            server
     -   Raspberry Pi (my topic of interest)
     -   BitTorrent file sharing
     -   Pixar uses in the production of animated movies
     -   3D modelling and animation systems…much more…

What Can I Do with Python?
     1.      System Programming
    Python program can search files and directory trees, launch other programs, do parallel processing and so on

    2.      GUI(Graphical User Interface)
       Simplicity and rapid turnaround makes it a good match for graphical user interface programming that means we can create graphics using programming…wow…
(Note: Python comes with standard object-oriented interface called tkinter, which allows python program to implement portable GUI)

    3.      Internet Scripting
      Python comes with standard internet modules that allow python program to perform variety of networking tasks in client-server modes

    4.      Component Integration
     Python’s ability can be extended by inserting C /C++ code into python script. It makes it a flexible glue language for scripting the behavior of other systems.
For example, integrating a C library into python enables it to test and launch C code components, embedding python in a product enables onsite customization without creating the whole project again

     5.      Database Programming
  There are Python interfaces to all commonly used relational database systems. For accessing SQL database python also has a defined portable database API

     6.      Rapid Prototyping
     It is possible to prototype a project initially in python and then move a selected project to compiled languages like C or C++

     7.      Numeric and Scientific Programming
   Python is heavily used in numeric programming. The NumPy high-performance numeric programming extension for python has mentioned tools like, array of objects, standard mathematical libraries for integration, derivatives and limits. NumPy turns python into a sophisticated but easy-to-use numeric programming tool

     8.    Gaming, Data Mining, Image Processing, Robotics, Much More…

Next time I’ll tell you History behind the name ‘Python’ and please tell me your favorite color in comments.

Thank you !



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