
Chapter 2
Part 2 of 2

Hello everyone,

Learning_Python_Chapter_2_Part_1 was very difficult to write and understand, I’ll try to make things more easier this time.

First thing I need is to not get reported by my audience for roasting their brain. If you have any doubts with any concept please provide comments.

Lets assume that you are a genuine blog reader and then move forward. 
Let's recall the bubble diagram and example of Roti making process from last blog.

On our computer, when we want to open any application then we simply do click on it, we can make our python program to work like that.

When ByteCode is created in our system, all the important instructions are stored in the form of binaries.

This process happens at the part of compilation. The title explains that we freeze these binaries to use them later.

In short, it is possible to turn your Python program into an executable file, known as Frozen Binaries in the python world.

This file can run without installing python. This becomes ideal and more suitable for packaging and shipping our application.

In our bubble diagram, if we merge the bubble of ByteCode and PVM, we get the frozen binary file.

Frozen binary runs the ByteCode through a virtual machine. (Virtual machine from Chapter_2_Part_1)

Frozen Binaries runs at same speed as the original source files.

We can compare these thing with Roti as- make a Roti and put it somewhere and when you are hungry just grab it!

When someone is looking at a Roti, he/she cannot guess what ingredients are used in there? what procedure is used for making?

Same logic for frozen binaries, we cannot guess what is inside? Only results will appear when it is opened.

Because of this advantage, companies or business people prefer to give their client Frozen file as the product, this is how they get more business while protecting their logic.


This chapter has introduced the execution model of Python-how Python runs your program. Although,not every time you need these Python internals while writing scripts. 

In the next chapter, we will start with writing codes.
Thank You!


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